contract delivery中文什么意思

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  1. The article provides the theories analysis first , and then draws the diagram to show the process of the logistics in foreign trade . combining with solid examples through the quality and quantitative analysis , it announces to public that there is a broad developing space on logistics in hunan foreign trade enterprises from the management of foreign trade logistics cost , the construction of jit system , the supply chain management , the contract delivery and risk decision


  1. contract day rate payment 什么意思
  2. contract debt 什么意思
  3. contract definition 什么意思
  4. contract definition phase 什么意思
  5. contract definition stage 什么意思
  6. contract delivery schedule 什么意思
  7. contract demand 什么意思
  8. contract deposit 什么意思
  9. contract deposit paid 什么意思
  10. contract deposit received 什么意思


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